My Mom and I have been working on the potty training lately, taking her potty when she signed it, when we needed to go, or when she looked like she was ready to go. The next step we needed to take was moving to big girl training pants. Trouble is....I couldn't find teeny tiny training pants just anywhere!
Madison is just now a little over 20 pounds and in 12 month clothes still. I found some online finally, a particular brand, Potty Patty (They also have Potty Scotty for boys). They come in extra small and so I went for it. There is also a system that is available with a doll that goes potty and dvd and book etc. I just went for the pants for now. They are cotton and not waterproof. (The waterproof one only comes in Small - I bought some too and they are HUGE still).
Things are going well and we keep our sense of humor, are in no hurry, just trying it out. While there is no rush, there is no reason to not try as long as she is having a positive experience, is a willing participant and all.
My other new favorite thing is my new video monitor. I LOVE IT. I never had a monitor or saw the need for one. I didn't think that I would need one, as the way my house is arranged, I can hear her in her room from pretty much any location. I never figured I would venture outside when she was sleeping.
I was struggling for a while with getting Madison to sleep through the night. She would yell out and I would go in, sometimes met with more yelling. I tried the cry it out for a while and for the most part it worked well. I would go in on timed intervals and a few times I found her legs through the slats on the crib, she was stuck. I was glad I hadn't just let her continue to cry and I felt horrible!
Someone suggested that I get a video monitor. I could let her yell out but I could see if I needed to go in, without going in.
First things first. I have had it for two weeks and Madison has slept through the night since I got it! In addition to being able to see her if I need to go in for her, I get to see things I was missing: Her waking up and yawning, stretching, playing with her blanket etc. It is so CUTE!
She used to yell out and I would go in thinking she was ready to get up and needed me. She would fight me and just be a bear like she woke up grumpy. It was awful. Looking back, I realize that she was not awake during these outbursts. What the monitor has allowed me to realize is that she yells out in her sleep. If I wait long enough she settles back down and goes back to sleep. When she is really ready to wake up, she tosses and turns and hollers and then eventually will sit up or stand up and say softly "Mama" "Dada" "Papa" and "Mamoe". It is so cute I can't get over it!
I am so in love with this little person I can't stand it!
1 comment:
It would be so fun to be able to see my baby in her crib. Mandy is such a light sleeper I never dare even peak in on her if she is being quiet. This sounds ideal.
I am glad you are still having a positive experience potty training. Good for you!
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