Madison is 22.2 pounds and 31 inches.
At 12 months she was 19.1 pounds and 20 inches.
I decided to postpone the MMR until I could learn more.
My head knows it is okay to do it and yet my heart is telling me to wait. I am conflicted.
I teared up when I started talking to the Dr. so that told me to wait until my head was clear.
He said it was okay to wait a little while.
Mom's out there...Any personal experience you'd like to share is appreciated.
I completely understand your turmoil about the MMR vaccine. I hate giving my kids shots and go back and forth on the issue. I've done lots of research and unfortunately there isn't a lot of unbiased information out there. I ended up fully vaccinating both of my girls because I couldn't find a good enough reason not to (including MMR). Good luck.
Thank you Aly sun, your sharing your experience matters greatly to me. I sure appreciate it.
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