Friday, October 31, 2008

Having Fun, Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween

Just a few fun photos from Grandma's.  Madison loves the "wind" and will ask for it by signing "wind" and then she gets to go get in the fan (Tawny, I see ANTM in her future!) You can't see it very good in the photo but the fan is on high and what little hair she has is blowing.  The next one is Madison having a snack in her big girl chair Grandma bought her to sit in between Grandma and Grandpa's chairs.

Madison in her frog costume (her first baby sign was frog) and she had pink bone glow in the dark jammies under! They were her back up outfit in case the frog outfit was too hot (which it was).  Mom took her to Kindermusik in her frog and she got hot so she took it off and was still in costume. There was four month old baby there in black jammies just like them and it was too cute.  She didn't mind her frog costume and played in it when they got home.  She has a cold still and so she just stayed in it long enough for me to get a quick photo.
A couple birthday photos to prove she did get some cake at least, even if we didn't have a big party! She really didn't want to get her hands in it much and finally ate some cake with a spoon.  She enjoyed herself and we did too. 

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Madison's 1 year Dr. Visit

Well Madison had her 1 year Dr. visit today. 
She weighed in at 19.1 pounds and measured 29 inches.

The girl who called our name from the waiting room asked us "Does she like to stand on the scale or use the baby scale?" In my mind, I was like "What? She is a BABY, of course she isn't ready for the BIG GIRL SCALE!" but instead I just walked over to the baby scale and sat her down! HAHA There will be plenty of times for her to STAND on a scale! I don't need her to be afraid of needles AND scales just yet! Another realization that she isn't a baby.  

While I enjoy looking back on her infant time, I am so amazed at the little girl she is growing into and how much fun it is to see the new things she experiences every day.  I strive at least once a day to see things from her perspective, to laugh just for the sake of laughing, from the inside out!

She still has her cold she got for her birthday from Grandma, but just a runny nose and sneezing really, nothing a humidifier, saline and an elevated mattress can't handle so far.

She got her Flu shot booster in one leg and Prevnar in the other. She also got a TB test in her arm. She was a trooper.  I have all of her band aids from all of her shots this last year saved for her baby book, man that was a lot of shots! 

She has to have a blood draw from a lab (not just a finger prick like I thought).  There is a new Oakland Children's Hospital Lab in Modesto that was suggested so we will probably try that out.  All should be okay.

NEWEST thing: In addition to her 125 signing vocabulary that just seems to grow daily, she has learned to play "Where did it go?" with just about anything.  She will for instance take a small toy and hide it behind her back, put it in her pretend pocket, or if sitting hide it between her legs, and then put her little hands palm up and shrug her shoulders in an effort to say "Where did it go?" and you say it and look around and then she gets it out as quickly as she can and she shows it to you very proudly with her facial expression clearly saying "HERE IT IS" and then we all clap.  It is HILARIOUS. 

Another fun thing she is doing these days is playing pretend. Not only is it cool to see her 'feed' her dolly and teddy, but she will 'pick up' something off of the ground, the air, the table and hand it to you and then say "thank you".  Her little fingers are clenched so tight holding the 'pretend' item it cracks you up.  One time she picked up 'something' off the floor, and crawled over to me to give it to me, the whole time keeping her fingers together so tight on the 'pretend object' they were white on the tips.

Not a day goes by that we don't laugh and learn.  Playskool has it right...PLAY LAUGH GROW.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy 10th Birthday Zoe! Those who say money can't buy happiness, never had a puppy.

Zoe asleep in the nursery
Zoe after her parents came home from DL
Zoe ASLEEP with Dad, Smiling!

Okay, I know what you might be thinking...Happy Birthday to her DOG? Where are the Madison 1 year birthday photos?

I will update about Madison's first year tomorrow hopefully after her one year Dr. check up.

Today is about Zoe, my first dog and the longest relationship I have ever had.  As if on cue as I started to write this she scratched at my leg to ask to get in my lap. So I am writing this with a 23lb schnauzer on my lap!

If there are nondog people reading this, I might come off as crazy, but I won't apologize for it because I truly believe that Zoe has saved me from insanity and dark depression more than once in the decade I have been fortunate enough to be her "mom".

Let me sum up Zoe's 10 years:

1. Zoe helped me push the 'snooze' button on my biological clock. Her name was originally going to be "Holly" because I got her at Christmas time but calling out "Holly, come" just didn't sound right and so I was watching tv one night with a nameless dog, and I heard a commercial for a new show called something like "John, Jake and Zoe" and I immediately said "Zoe", yep that's it!

2. We spent the next year in training, taking every class we could get into. We did puppy class all the way up to off leash obedience. We even tried agility ONE class and that was not happening. I think she was too young and I didn't want to push it so we took a tricks class and had a blast.  She can to this day still hold a cookie on her nose and play dead when you "shoot" her.  But, as a new dog owner who was protective of her new 'baby', I neglected to socialize her well.  So if you have ever met Zoe, you might wonder what the fuss is all about, as she can be a bit temperamental at times.  Live and Learn, she loves me so it's all good (update in year 9)

3.  I was finally strong enough to break off a long term unhealthy relationship this year.  Zoe was so sad for a time and it was heartbreaking.   While she was "my" dog, she was attached to him.  We moved to a different town and began our new life together.  She slept with me on my pillow most times and was my reason for coming home at night from work.  She helped me through the loneliness and isolation I was experiencing. 

4. We met Rick, the love of our lives.  I told him, if my dog doesn't like you, it won't work.  Makes me think of the show "It's me or the dog", while not that crazy, I was worried about what Zoe would think.  Rick had allergies and I wanted so badly for them to like each other.  Zoe "approved" of Rick even though he was in uniform when they met, which she HATES (even Boy Scouts) BUT he was smart enough to also have jerky in his pockets! It was official, she had "Daddy".

5.  While I wouldn't trade Zoe for a different dog, I did learn a valuable lesson when it comes to buying a dog. Find a reputable breeder. I got Zoe from an add in the paper and have paid extensively for it in vet bills from literally DAY ONE when I brought her home to find blood in her urine. Technically I could have returned her, but come on, like that was going to happen. She has allergies to almost everything imaginable which took several years to get under control without using steroids.  She had a bladder problem that took several years to find a solution for, which ended up being a 'vulvaplasty' surgery (butt lift) :-).  I learned she was deathly allergic to bees the hard way, scariest day of my life (pre Madison).  I am glad I didn't have many other expenses at the time, being single most of her life with no children and with a good job. I felt at times, I was working to pay the vet bills.  We got through it together, her knowing I would do anything for her and me knowing she would give me unconditional love till her last breath.

6. We enjoyed life in WY one winter and Zoe loved the snow. She loved sleeping in the middle of two warm bodies and enjoyed all the attention.  She was a good traveler and was tolerant of visitors, of which we had few so it was okay.  My Mom thought Zoe might forget her while we were living so far from home and read that dogs remember by smell so she would send us letters with crumpled paper which she had strategically rubbed on her body and the note read "Zoe, smell me, love Grandma".  It was hilarious.  She was afraid we would never get pregnant and thought this would be her only "Grand Dog".  Zoe was my company when Rick was away from home at training or working the night shift, continuing to be my sweet companion.

7.  We spent several years trying to get pregnant and I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to happen.  Depression and despair was setting in despite how wonderful my life was unfolding.  Time to get a puppy, right?  I went a different route and made contact with a reputable breeder and Roxy came into our lives.  Three days after I brought her home I found out the last procedure had been successful and I was indeed pregnant, one day later, Zoe bit Roxy.  I was a hormonal mess. What did I do, a puppy AND a baby? We decided to keep Roxy and see how it went.  

8. Zoe stood by my side during the 6 months of morning sickness (or what I like to call it, "if you eat ANYTHING you will be sick, sickness). She was there when I brought the trainer home to help me learn how to prepare the dogs for the baby, the first thing being kicking her out of our bed!  She tolerated Roxy and eventually warmed up to her.  She began to come around again and seemed to not be so temperamental.  In the end Roxy was a blessing in disguise, she is Madison's buddy and helped Zoe get tolerant of an irritating little sister. I was worried about her and the baby, seriously, what if something happened?  I had a back up plan for her if I got uncomfortable and she wasn't able to adjust to the baby but I tried to put it out of my mind.  How could I turn my back on my dog after all we had been through together.  People kept telling me, you will have that baby and not give that animal a second thought, she'll be outside before you know it.  Who are these people?  I couldn't imagine.  What I didn't yet realize was the intense love and attachment I would have for Madison. I had heard of it, but experiencing it was totally different.  The trainer also recommended that we have a dog bed in the nursery as to not make it an off limits place so there would be no jealousy. Dogs are pack animals and they don't appreciate being separated from their pack. She adjusted to sleeping in her crate much better than I did, but I understood that the bed is the pack's power position and Zoe needed to learn she wasn't the leader. Better to kick her out now than after Madison came home.

9.  I had Rick bring home a hospital blanket with Madison's smell on it before we came home.  When we got home, I said my hellos and then she sniffed the baby.  She did okay until the baby cried. She got so concerned and started whining and crying herself and pacing around.  She eventually quit doing that and started sleeping in the bed in Madison's room at night as if to protect her.  It was adorable.  She didn't want much to do with her otherwise and stayed clear of us most of the time.  As Madison got more mobile things got trickier.  I am teaching Madison to stay clear of Zoe's crate and it is hard.  Zoe growls and then gets in trouble.  We are working on it, but I am nervous again.  I feel a bit guilty, being so preoccupied with working full time, being a wife full time and now a mother full time.  The dog days are gone.  We have our fun, don't get me wrong, it is just different.  I pray that as Zoe gets older, I am able to still be the loving Mom I always have been to her, taking her health and well being just as seriously as I did before.

10. I am not in denial, dogs don't live forever. When the vet told me Zoe needed to have her 'geriatric' exam two years ago I knew.  We have fun and celebrate joy in our lives. She has taught me so many invaluable lessons that have helped me be a better Mom. I am forever indebted to her for that.

Ever read the book "Everything I learned about parenting I learned from my puppy"? It was one of the first books on Madison's shelf. :-) And no, this does not include crate training Madison or making her hold a cookie on her nose, but come to think of, I guess not.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Wyoming Cowgirl

On the way out of the studio last time I had Madison's pictures taken, I went to Gymboree and found the cutest cowgirl outfit, with hat and everything.  The shirt is like those my Dad used to wear with the mother of pearl snaps! I had to have it, but I had just taken her pictures!  So I saved it.

Two months went by and I hadn't taken pictures yet and I was at Babies R Us and saw this barn windmill background on the wall with a little boy with a saddle and I just HAD to go there.  They were using it for their Halloween background but it was too cute I thought and I had to get some taken before she outgrew the outfit.

I thought our trip to Wyoming would be a good reason to get pictures taken, so here they are. We took them the day before we left and had some fun pictures to share with Rick's family.

(I sure wish Alysun was closer, I would love to have a session with her! I have a self employed photographer's card I was thinking of going to for her 1st birthday pictures, but I don't know) I know her birthday is Monday but these were just for fun and not the "real" ones! :-)  I wanted something to put in her baby book on the "First Vacation Page" and I thought this was perfect!

I tried to get her little horse on her jeans showing, but we took the smile instead.

Her little pearl bracelet I bought when she was born finally fit, although she tried must have thought it was a candy bracelet, she kept trying to eat it! (Alysun - I threw a fit that they cut off her fingers!)

My niece bought her a pink pair of ostrich ropers for my baby shower.  They are so cute!  I tried and tried to stuff her feet in them and she kept wrinkling her toes and then got mad, so I gave up. I put them next to her to at least get them in the shot. At least there were horses on her socks too! (She doesn't wear shoes yet, so boots did not go over well!)

I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We all survived Wyoming

They added the 1908 to the sign as they celebrated their 100 years.
Madison "enjoying" her first grasshopper

It was 80 degrees the day we arrived but we also brought with us the first frost of the Fall and this is Uncle John's garden after one night freeze. He lost everything, but not before we got to enjoy some "turban squash" which we had never had before.  They had TONS of gourds that decorated many a front step in town.
Madison at the hotel the first night getting comfortable with her signing cards.
This was actually taken when we were still at home, Daddy taking her for a ride in her wagon. It is one of my favorite.

I had every intention of blogging every day of my “vacation” to Wyoming and at the end of each day I was so out of steam that I didn’t get online but only once.  I kept thinking, “make a mental note and blog that funny thing”. I will do my best to recap briefly.

·       Get a babysitter for the ‘getting ready day’!

·       Pack light and use the “I can buy it when I get there” motto (unless you are going to Wyoming I later learned)

OkOkay, here is my version of PACKING LIGHT....Pack Mule...I have one suitcase, two carry ons, stroller, and back pack, not to mention Madison carried in the front. Here she was looking at the sky lights in the Denver Airport.  Rick not only had the camera, but he had two additional suitcases. Mind you, we were only gone 6 DAYS! I definitely learned my lesson, although I still didn't have everything I wanted.

·       Board the plane, buckle up and poop. You read it right, I learned they have baby changing stations in the airplane bathrooms, a shelf that comes down over the toilet. Oh Joy.

·       Learned the hard way that a 12 hour travel day was 1 hour too long for Madison.

·       Rental car yes, Rental car seat definitely NO

·       I need to teach Madison to do the Fist Bump like Howie Mandell, ‘give me kisses’ is not the same with snot nosed cousins.

·       I learned I was a high maintenance California Mom

·       Buy it when you get there might work if you were going somewhere other than where we went! Things we missed the most were: YoBaby Yogurt, Earth’s Best Baby Food, Pampers, No Salt Added Veggies, disposable bibs, sippy cups with straws (I brought one but forgot the darned straw!)

·       Never say Never: Pacifier on demand, eat in front of the tv, sleep in bed with Mom and Dad, Juice from a bottle, shopping cart without the cover, stay up as late as I want

·       If you have food restrictions for allergy reasons, expect someone to challenge your efforts. (Specifically, chocolate, strawberries, eggs, citrus and all nuts).  I am also trying to limit her exposure to sugar because both of her parents are recovering sugar addicts so why start something? Needless to say she ended up having strawberry yogurt, strawberry ice cream, chocolate cake, Chinese food fried rice with egg, and she found several peanuts on the floor which she handed over instead of eating. I was asked “Can she have candy?” I said “nope” and then had to argue why she couldn’t have hard candy? Are you kidding me, has no one heard of a choking hazzard? She lived and so did I, barely.

·       Return home was easier, sucking juice from a bottle while not Mom’s favorite idea, was worth it in the long run. They say sucking on the airplane helps babies not experience pain in their ears when taking off and landing.  She had no trouble and only cried one time when she heard another baby crying. It was so cute actually, he was screaming and she stopped sucking and looked all concerned and then sat up, cried a little and signed “baby”. I said/signed, Baby is sad but with his Mommy and okay.  She stood up in my lap and looked around the cabin looking for the baby. It was so adorable seeing her express empathy.

·       Madison slipped right back into her routine when we got home which was one of my main concerns, but all is well.


All in all it was a learning experience and Madison had a great time and her relatives fell in love with her and were amazed at her ability to communicate with them with her signs.  I was very proud.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Teeth Grinding, Vegetable Mum Mums and The Doctors

Madison has a third tooth (two on the bottom for three months) now one HUGE one on top! My Dad is already calling her Bucky (oh how the memories flood back) She has taken up the habit of GRINDING it against the bottom ones. It is HORRIBLE! It sounds awful. I am not sure how to get her to stop. I sure hope it is just a novelty and she will get over it.

One of our favorite things are Mum Mums(Rice Rusks) (thanks Amanda - I read about the "surfboards" in one of your posts) and I found them ONE time at Safe Way.  My Mom loves them for walks because they melt so easy and Madison really likes them and she doesn't have to worry too much about her choking (She isn't one for eating one cheerio at a time).  I only found them one time at our SafeWay in Modesto so I decided to try Amazon. I found them AND vegetable ones too which I haven't seen in the stores! They arrived today and are awesome. We are good to go for a while now. (Rick subsequently found them in Turlock, so we have plenty!).

Have you seen the show "The Doctors"? I haven't seen it yet and probably won't much as it is a spin off from Dr. Phil and how good could that possibly be? BUT... tomorrow they are having the founders of the Baby Signing program on that we used. It is specifically about their Potty Training Kit and their theory about signing helping to get children potty trained before 2.  I am going to DVR it just in case it is cool, might be interesting. Channel 13 2pm in Motown I believe.