Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Things are moving so fast!

I can't believe how, what seems all of the sudden, my baby isn't an infant anymore!
  1. We have the sleeping thing down I think. Three nights in a row of Jammies/Story/Milk/Sleep/No Peep.  She even slept ALL NIGHT from 8pm to 7am last night! What a milestone!
  2. Madison's newest thing is that she plays Patty Cake all on her own now.  You just have to start singing it and she starts smiling and clapping. My Mom has been playing it with her hands for a long time now but just last night she started clapping on her own and she does the "roll'm up" part too.  She loves the clapping and it is just another reminder of how she is coming into her own.
People are stupid:
The people who say "The laundry can wait" have never let it wait and had 50 loads to do in one weekend because EVERYONE in the house is out of underwear, towels, sheets etc!


Amanda said...

I found a bunch of the swim suit things at One Step Ahead. They have tons of styles. Here's some on sale:

Tawny said...

I demand an update!!! Maybe it's because I have not been commenting, but I am reading my friend!!!