Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Cry it out" Night #4

Holy Cow, that was hard.  Madison fell asleep early in the car on the way home from the store and I put her down when we got home. She woke up shortly after a bit disoriented and then I started our nighttime routine.

I put her down and signed and said I love you and Goodnight and she seemed to be fine like last night. About three minutes later, she started crying, screaming rather.

Over an hour later, and many many times of going in there an "Shhhhshing" her to reassure her things were okay, I couldn't handle it anymore and picked her up.  She immediately stopped and I snuggled in and fed her a little and she went out like a light.

This is so hard to know what to do.  I want to do what is best for her and for me.  You can't learn that from a book. 

Rick has been very supportive of my efforts and when I picked her up I said "I can't stand it anymore" and instead of him saying "But I thought the method was..." he calmly said "An hour is a long time to cry".  I love him.

1 comment:

Aly sun said...

I can't offer much great advice, because every child is so different - -and every parent and what we can handle too! Just know that this stage will pass soon! My first was such a text-book perfect sleeper and I was very anal about her schedule. My second is a different story all together and I've had so many struggles with her sleep. Being anal with her schedule does not help, but adequate, quality sleep really does. I trust my instincts, snuggle more than the first time, let her cry, and pray for wisdom! Keep up the good work.

-- From Tawny's first cousin-once removed