We had out last class this week and we signed up for the "More Sign Say and Play" class starting in Aug. We will learn things like Feelings/Safety/Colors/Birthday party signs etc. (Perfect timing since it is only 3 short months to her 1st Birthday!) I thought about waiting but didn't want to lose the momentum and she seems to really enjoy it and so do I.
I was so excited on Tuesday because when we were reviewing the signs, each child takes a turn (we had a 9mo old, a 14mo old and a 10mo old in class) pulling out 'concept' cards from a back pack. At the beginning everyone was like "I am not sticking my hand in there" and all the Mommies had to help. This time Madison was like "I know what's in there" and reached right in. She pulled out the "Frog" card and right on cue (When she saw it, we hadn't said the word yet) she stuck her tongue in and out and signed the Frog sign! I was so PROUD! She signed "More" when the music stopped and it was adorable.
I commented to our instructor in an email how enjoyable this was for us and I wanted to share her response:
"I am so glad you guys are enjoying the class. I know it certainly made a huge difference in our lives (particularly the child development info!). Even though Madison is on the young end she definitely seems to be getting it figured out (she’s going to be dangerous when she really figures out how to precisely control those hands and arms!). The fact that she has FROG perfectly is a huge thing! It’s not a mealtime sign so it shows she’s moving on to higher order signs (beyond basic needs) to talk about things that interest her."
I am a very PROUD Momma this morning....can you feel the GLOW? :-)
I tried to get a picture of her hugging BeeBo the signing Bear but it wasn't very good. And then I missed the KISS! (She gives kisses now when you sign for one) I need a new camera with a faster shutter lag! I am missing all my Mommy Memory Moments!
I was so excited on Tuesday because when we were reviewing the signs, each child takes a turn (we had a 9mo old, a 14mo old and a 10mo old in class) pulling out 'concept' cards from a back pack. At the beginning everyone was like "I am not sticking my hand in there" and all the Mommies had to help. This time Madison was like "I know what's in there" and reached right in. She pulled out the "Frog" card and right on cue (When she saw it, we hadn't said the word yet) she stuck her tongue in and out and signed the Frog sign! I was so PROUD! She signed "More" when the music stopped and it was adorable.
I commented to our instructor in an email how enjoyable this was for us and I wanted to share her response:
"I am so glad you guys are enjoying the class. I know it certainly made a huge difference in our lives (particularly the child development info!). Even though Madison is on the young end she definitely seems to be getting it figured out (she’s going to be dangerous when she really figures out how to precisely control those hands and arms!). The fact that she has FROG perfectly is a huge thing! It’s not a mealtime sign so it shows she’s moving on to higher order signs (beyond basic needs) to talk about things that interest her."
I am a very PROUD Momma this morning....can you feel the GLOW? :-)
I tried to get a picture of her hugging BeeBo the signing Bear but it wasn't very good. And then I missed the KISS! (She gives kisses now when you sign for one) I need a new camera with a faster shutter lag! I am missing all my Mommy Memory Moments!

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