Sunday, May 25, 2008


I want to thank you for your support. I got my ducks in a row today and am back on track. 
I appreciate the care I have received from you all. It really helped me redirect my thoughts to what is important and that I am not going crazy and that these feelings are normal. All is well.


Amanda said...

I'm sorry things are rough. I've had a really hard time, too, after all we went through, so I kind of understand if it's any help. I tried the antidepressant thing. Some are ok while breastfeeding, but they just made me feel lethargic and unmotivated, which isn't better than the depression to begin with. You should talk to your doctor, though, it can't hurt. If you ever want company, you're invited over! ;) I feel like I know you from Tawny.

Tawny said...

I am so bummed that you feel this way, my friend. You need a sound proof room where you can unload!!! Wish I was there to keep you company. I know all to well the feeling of being lonely but wanting to be alone. Yes, medicate if you have to... but don't question yourself-- you are doing so well!!!!

Aly sun said...

I am Tawny's cousin and jumped over to your blog from hers.

I am mommy to 2 and totally understand how you feel. If you were a working woman before the baby, it is really easy to feel that "what the heck do I do now?" feeling. While taking care of your child is the most important job in the world, it is normal to feel like you don't matter much to the rest of the world. I would recommend looking for a MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) in your area. Look at It is a group of woman who all have little kids and it is great encouragement to be with like minded woman. I attend twice a month in my town and LOVE the childcare provided for the meeting. I can sit and talk with other moms, learn from them, and feel like myself again.

Also, talk to your doctor/midwife about the depression. It isn't normal to feel sad all the time and your chemicals/hormones could be out of wack! Don't feel bad about asking for help. Your body has been through SO much, you've changed jobs, your relationship with your husband is forever different. Give yourself a break and find a friend to vent to. Husbands are great, but really don't get everything you are going through.

There is a bunch of advice from a total stranger! As a mom, I know it can be really rough. And if you are a friend of Tawny's, you must be pretty great!