Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Exorcist and Daddy of the Year Badge

Tonight was rough.  I was working late and I got a phone call from my dear husband asking me to come home right away.  Madison was screaming in the background and all Rick could say was "projectile vomit".  I said "WHAT?" and he repeated, needless to say I hung up and rushed home.

Madison has never been sick before, at least not the vomit kind of sick.  She has had two colds but nothing of this nature.  

When I got home I found Rick shirtless and holding a naked crying baby.  Rick said he put her down for bed after dinner/bath/book routine and he was watching her on the video monitor making sure she was settling in.  She stood up, cried out and then BAM, just like the exorcist, vomit came shooting out across the room.  He ran into the room to find a crying baby with barf all over her and the floor. 

I got home and scooped her up and got her dressed and soothed her while Rick proceeded to earn his Daddy of the Year badge and cleaned up the barf.  It was awful! I kept thinking of Alysun's 'in the car both kids puking story' and kept telling myself "we can do this".  All the while, hoping RICK CAN DO IT because I was so thankful that Madison wanted me and that he was here to clean it up.  

Madison said her tummy hurt and then said poop so we were headed into the bathroom when she hurled again.  I undressed her and put her in the tub, hey it was convenient while I changed my own clothes and cleaned up the floor and bathroom wall. So much for me getting out of cleaning up barf, she saved some for me. Lucky me.

Lucky me is right because my Dear Husband took care of everything while I tended to Madison. I took her back in the bathroom because she was acting like it was going to happen again to find Rick in there preparing to be sick! OH NO, not him too!  He didn't get sick and neither have I, YET, but I am anticipating it.  I guess a child at day care got sick today and so it could be that or maybe her dinner didn't sit well with her.

We got her settled and back to sleep, back in her clean bed with clean carpets and blankets, got the three loads of laundry done, including our own clothes and now we wait and see.

We have our fingers crossed we don't get sick and that this is an isolated incident.  I have had nightmares about this happening and imagining what I would do.  I just count my blessings I have gotten this far without her being sick.  

I love my husband and he even comforted me when I started crying after I was beating myself up for being at work and not at home when my daughter got sick.  I am thankful she was with him and I thank God for him extra special today.


Aly sun said...

I hear ya! It is hard work emotionally and physically when a baby is sick (and gross too). Sorry to say, I doubt it was just dinner not sitting well. That usually is just a small amount of vomit. Projectile, repeated vomiting says "flu" to me.

She will be okay. Babies are SO resilient. Get your snuggle time in while you can because she'll be back to normal soon. I would sit rocking my sickies wrapped in a beach towel and a gallon sized container right next to me. It is gross work, but that is why we get paid the big bucks!

Your husband is a super star. Mine would never clean up vomit. Wonderful as he is.

Amanda said...

Oh no, that's terrible! Isn't the projectile vomit incredible? I didn't know it was so close to the Exorcist until we experienced it ourselves. We recently survived our first stomach flu (we ALL got it - missed our March for Babies because of it) and it was brutal. Paige threw up all over the car on the way to the doctor - it still stinks!! Get her pedialite popsicles for hydration, and feed her the "BRAT" diet (banana, rice, applesauce, toast) for a bit until you're sure she's okay. Good luck!

Tawny said...

I'm glad the mommies could chime in and help with this one. But I DO know that you are not a bad mommy in the least bit.

I'm going to put a magnifying glass on my singleness and say that this blog grossed me out.

Gagging from Redding (and much love),


Shawna said...

I remember Tawny gagging at Alysun's barf blog! It was hilarious and just to let you know I left out the gross parts! Update: Madison is better, didn't eat anything yesterday and today seems back to normal. Thanks for ALL the support, I didn't realize I had sign up for this when I had a baby. Instead of Lamaze class they should require a "how do I get barf smell out of carpet" class!