- We went to the mall today to get pictures with the Easter Bunny. We took them last year because I was wondering the mall on a day off and happened to see him and thought, why not? So of course now that the SAME bunny is there I have to get a repeat 5X7 for the baby book if nothing else. I was a bit nervous that she would end up with one of those 'my parents forced me to sit on a strange man's lap in a disturbingly large bunny costume so I screamed my head off' shots. I told myself if she wasn't open to the idea, we would just walk on through the line and leave. She immediately signed and said Bunny Bunny Bunny, thank goodness there was no line as she wanted "up up up" immediately. She had a hard time looking at the camera because she was fascinated with this ever so large rabbit. The picture was typical mall quality but the experience was fun for us none the less and we got a "little" (said with a high pitch voice and squinted eyes) bunny in a carrot and she made it 'hop' for the next half hour.
- I needed to get her some summer jammies as it is getting warmer and the fleece just isn't going to cut it much longer, so off to my favorite jammy store, Children's Place. I had no intentions of getting her an Easter DRESS as I thought her little frilly top and cuffed jeans would do, but there it was, the perfect dress, and it was on clearance so we had to have it. I didn't know what size to get since it seems hit or miss that some 18mo are HUGE and some are too tiny, so I bought both the 18 and 24 months and was told I could bring the other one back once we tried it on at home. Here comes the cute part: I had her try one on and she immediately said "mirror" after I did the zipper and went over to the curio cabinet where she can see herself in the back. I almost started crying when I saw her look in the mirror, say "pretty" and then move her little hips back and forth to make the dress swish side to side. (Keep in mind she has never been in a dress since she started walking - last Easter was the last dress she had on. My thing with dresses is for another post entirely) Then she proceeded to turn around and around, all the while keeping a close eye on herself in the mirror. I was going to get the video camera and then I decided this visual delight was meant only for me and I didn't want to ruin the moment we were having. If someone could die from witnessing cuteness I would have fell right over. Where did this girly girl come from? While she is a definite mimic, she was certainly not exhibiting any behavior she has seen take place in MY home! I don't mind one bit, don't get me wrong, I think it is so adorable I can't stand it, it just cracks me up how some girls are girly and some aren't (me) - (Never was - I have a photo of me in an Easter dress sitting with legs wide open with my hands in between holding it down.) I haven't mentioned how CUTE the dress looked too! I can't wait for her to wear it on Easter and knock the socks off the 5 people who will get to see her! I will post photos after. (hint - not pink)
- She plays "Head Shoulders Knees and Toes" with Barney sometimes (cute in and of itself) but this story is about a toy soldier. There is a soldier in one of her books that she reads at Mamo's and when she sees it she 'salutes' by putting on hand on her forehead. Then when you asked her "what is that?" and point to the picture of the soldier, she touches both shoulders with her fingertips up and down several times. We weren't sure for a while what she was doing and then we put two and two together, Soldier/Shoulder! Man I love this kid! I found one of our books and it had a soldier in it too and I guess I have never pointed it out before but she found it, saluted and then tapped her shoulders.
- She also salutes the flag when we go out front to play. (At half staff today in memory of the fallen Oakland officers) She looks up, says 'fwag' and salutes. She did it while a neighbor was out front visiting and he said "I did that for 8 years when I was in the service" so I knew he recognized what she was doing. (She does it unprompted now. I have a feeling my Dad taught her then as they walk off each morning.) He almost fell over from the cuteness factor too.
- My Dad also taught her to say "Thank you Jesus" when she sees the cross on the wall. This is particularly special to me because I have not yet ventured to church with her since she was more than a few months old. I am struggling with the idea for some reason and so now when she sees the cross (we have the same one at home and at Mamo's) she says (sometimes signs) Thank You and then says Jesus sometimes. I love my Dad.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Overwhelmed with cuteness
Thursday, March 26, 2009
New Chair
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I try and find an organization to donate to each year and I try and make it meaningful to something going on in my life. Last year it was the March of Dimes in loving honor of Amanda's triplets as well as in celebration of my own new motherhood. Amanda's family is this year's MOD Amabassador Family and you can read more about her journey (and donate) by visiting her page with the link on her name above.
Recently, I saw a poster at Starbucks advertising a Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser and it had a picture of the cutest bloodhound puppy on it. It said "Modesto Police Officers Association" on the top and because it wasn't a German Shephard, I was intrigued and walked closer to read more details. It was a picture of "Moonshine" and they were raising money to send him to "college" to become Modesto's first Bloodhound K9 Officer. When fully trained, Moonshine will be used to locate lost/missing children, Alzheimer's Patients, and Criminal Suspects. I thought, "Wow that's cool", then saw the date was march 24th and let it go because I had previous plans.

- I am a new Mom and the thought of Madison being missing is one of my biggest fears
- My Grandma has Alzheimer's
- Rick works in Law Enforcement.
Spring is the time for fundraisers, Daffodil Days, Relay for Life, March of Dimes, to name a few and all are worthy organizations that have touched my life in some major way. But this unfortunately, has been the year of lost fur friends for my family and friends and I have chosen the Modesto Police Officers Association Bloodhound Program as my organization to donate to this year in their honor and memory.
The Donation is being made in Loving Memory of fur friends who went to the Bridge recently:
- Tia and Shane's 14 year old Valentine
- My Mom's last of four Yorkshire Terriers ~ Patty, 14 years old
- Tawny's Zekers ~ A fellow MPD K9 himself
- Tawny's beloved Zsa Zsa ~ A Boston who was tragically lost during her spay surgery
- My Schnauzer Pal Cheryl's Heart Dog Bogey
- Sherry's Sweet Ziggy
- Cyber Schnauzer Friend Janie's Ruby.
The Donation is also being made in Honor of all of our living furfaces: My Zoe and Roxy, Tawny's Sophie (AKA Cathy's Sophie), Tia's Bousch, Cheryl's Caddie & Cameron, Sherry's Cher, Benny, & Joon, Sabrina's GingerSnap, all my wonderful Cyber Schnauzers, and to any of you out there who have known the love of an animal, be it of the K9 persuasion, feline or otherwise.
Here is a little more informaiton I found online about "Moonshine" or "Moonie" as his family calls him:
He is now 7 months old and growing like a weed. They trained in Georgia in February and are off to New York for additional training in April. According to his trading card: "Moonshine is a pure bred Bloodhound. He was born June 28, 2008 in Lake Butler, Florida at the Lake Bloodhound Kennels. He was donated by the Child Protection Education of America (www.find-missing-children.org). When Moonshine is fully trained (12-18 months) he will be used to help locate missing children, Alzheimer's sufferers, and criminal suspects by trailing their human scent. Moonshine is Modesto's first Bloodhound and is sponsored by the Modesto Police Officers Association. The Bloodhound program relies solely on donations. Moonshine's handler is Officer Chuck Jones. Moonshine loves attention and likes to visit parks, schools, and service clubs." Moonshine's personal message is: "I 'nose' my business. If you are missing, I will find you!" Donations may be mailed to: Modesto Police Officers Association Bloodhound Program, 1300 G Street, Modesto, CA 95354, 209-652-6209. You can also donate and buy tickets at Pets Choice if you are in the Modesto area.
His MySpace page is: www.myspace.com/trackinghound
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Love a FISH?
First of all, those of you who know me KNOW I am a DOG lover. Fish on the other hand, I could take or leave, or so I thought.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ring Around the Rosie
BIG and little
Rick's 40th

Madison wanted "in" the basket to eat her Cheerios in peace!

Rick blowing out his 40 candles while holding an antique fire extinguisher! This was a DONUT cake!

Two good friends Sabrina and Aron in their 80's get up!

Good Friends Tia and Shane as Sexy Cop and CSI investigator!

If you are familiar with Lethal Weapon 2, you will most likely recognize this "rubber tree plant". (Tia made it for Rick!)

Roxy dressed in themed attire as well.

This was a fun shot of us getting ready for the party that morning. This is a gate that I use to partition Madison from the dog beds so they can sleep safely. We walked in and found they had herded her into a corner, waiting for Cheerios!

Hamburger and Donut cakes!

I wish this was bigger. This was Rick waiting to open his presents which hilariously turned out to be lots of old man stuff including Depends, "viagra", BenGay, Fiber, Centrum Silver etc. along with several bottles of various Jack Daniels products!

Even the bathrool was decorated. Sorry if you aren't a LW fan, you won't get this joke, but it was HILARIOUS at the party to hear everyone go into the bathroom and then start laughing!

Yes, this is my shy husand dressed like Sgt. Riggs. Em came over and gave him a black Lei.

Madison didn't like her new "Daddy" and wasn't happy about posing. But she did have on a shirt that said "My Daddy is 40" as well as pink leggings complete with leg warmers. She wasn't feeling well and went to Mamo's early.

Here we are! The one and only photo of me (I did NOT post the one of me in my ACID WASH jeans from Ebay! I gained all my weight back and I refuse to post my fat self online)