Well I started this blog to share my Baby Signing experiences and it dawned on me that I haven't written anything at all about it yet! :-)
We have been signing for about two months on our own and two weeks ago we started a Baby Signing class with
Baby Signs by Beth in Modesto. It is a six week class for the first group and we are having a lot of fun!
Each of the six classes is based around a theme. They give you the CD ahead of time so we can learn the songs and practice before class.
Class #1: Food/Eating
Some of the first signs people teach first are for things we do most often, and eating is certainly up there! There were three babies in class, Emily - about 10 months old, Isabella about 13 months old and Madison, now 8 months old. We were introduced to BeBo the signing bear (A puppet type stuffed bear who does the signs and sings the songs with us). Each class is structured the same so the kids get the feel for a familiar routine and will learn to anticipate each activity. (The class is only 45 minutes so it is not too long for them to stay interactive). I go to the evening class because of work but there is also a morning class.
We learned "Eat, Drink, Milk, Cracker, More, All Done, All Gone, Cereal (mixed and Cheerio type), Juice, and some variety of fruits and veggies. It is important for the babies to be able to not only tell you that they want "more" to "eat" but eventually they will be able to tell you that they want "more milk" versus "more juice" or "eat banana" versus "eat cracker".
Madison was taking it all in and was very interested in watching Emily crawl around the play mat and pick up toys (Madison doesn't crawl). She is fascinated with other babies and it takes a while for her to warm up. She just watched intently to all that was going on. It wasn't until Beth brought out the box of plastic food items and put it in front of Madison that she really got going. Madison was taking each item out and then looking at Beth and Beth would sign what it was. It was really fun to watch and participate.
My Mom is doing it with me and is actively signing with Madison and that makes it work better, repetition is key.
Class #2 Bedtime
We were encouraged to wear our Jammies for the bedtime theme. We had an additional baby who was from the am class so there were four babies. His name was Rowan I think and he was 10 months old. Madison was the only one in Jammies (her new cherry Jammies - any reason for new clothes!). Madison was very comfortable and sat next to me on the floor instead of in my lap this time. When she saw Emily she got excited and when she crawled over to us, Madison reached for her bow in her hair! Once class started, she hardly took her eyes off of Beth and BeBo. She loved the music and got vocal the last half of class.
We learned Bedtime words like "Sleepy, Light, Blanket, Book, Love, Bear, Moon and Stars"
We did a playtime with the parachute. We were in a circle and the parents lifted it up and brought it down over the babies. Beth warned us that sometimes the babies freak out the first time and so we watched. Sure enough, Madison was the only one not sure this was fun! We all had flashlights and I went under with her and we did fine after that. We sang "this little light of mine" a couple of times and she was okay with it.
At the end of each class we practice our manners. Beth goes around and offers a baggie of cereal and we (the parents) sign "please" and "thank you". Then we read a book and then sing the good bye song.
Next week is about Bath time and we are going to have water play and bubbles and were asked to wear a bathing suit/swim diaper and some towels. I think Rick is going to come this time.
I heard Rick on the phone today with his Uncle and he was explaining the signing to him. It was really special because I don't think he knew I was listening (I was feeding Madison in the dining room and he was in the living room) and he told him how and why we were doing it and it was so cool. I thought he thought I was crazy and it sure sounded like he was on board with it too. It proved to me that he listened during the parent night and that was so cool! I hope he comes to class with us, it is really fun. I will try and get a picture next time.