- I don't take enough full body photos, I apparently am fascinated with her face.
- Here hair HAS grown!
- She smiles like her Daddy, either so big her eyes squint or with her mouth wide open. I love the resemblance.
- I was going to post photos of her and I together each month instead of her but as I was searching for them, I realized that as her fat cheeks thinned out, mine got bigger along with the rest of me, so I will pass!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2008 in Pictures
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Madison and Santa at Prison
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A day of Milestones!
- Madison walked four steps from the table to Grandma's chair (In the quest of the all important CEREAL)
- When she got there she got that 'look' and signed "potty" and my Mom said "You want to sit on the potty?" Now mind you we have been trying very hard to catch 'the look' for "number 2" and we either get her to the potty too early and she does it after we get off the potty, or we get there too late and have a full diaper when we get there. This time was different! Grandma rushed her in there and stripped her (which isn't easier with winter layers) and she proceeded to go both #1 and #2 for the first time on the potty! Grandma did lots of singing and was thrilled. She emailed me right away and said that Madison seemed proud of herself as well. While this is a milestone for today and we hope it continues, we will take the joy for today even if it doesn't happen again for a while. We aren't getting our hopes up, but trying has been fun.
- During physical therapy (yes the physical therapist is still visiting and is determined to continue seeing Madison until she walks - she admits she really enjoys her time with Madison and since "walking" was written into her plan, she justifies her fun visits.) Madison took 16 STEPS unassisted! While I missed it, I got an excited WHO HOO email from my Mom and then when I got home Madison walked 4 steps from Rick to me. It was that adorable wobbly drunk walk and was so cute I almost cried!
- She is signing 140 words now and the new ones include: Xylophone (there is always one in our alphabet books), Work and Money, (When she asks for Mom during the day, Grandma tells her "She is at work to make money to buy you more toys!", and Sorry, Violin and Gloves. She is funny with "Sorry". She sometimes pinches me accidently when she is pulling herself up on me and I yell out "owie, that hurts mommy" and yesterday she signed "Sorry" unprompted. It was adorable. Then we were in the hall and she went to touch the night light which she knows she isn't supposed to touch. I said/signed "No touch light please" and get this....she reached over, touched it and then IMMEDIATELY signed "Sorry"! What a little sneak!
- She is verbalizing more too...and saying the funniest things. "Bird Cage" comes out "Birday", "Lasagna" comes out "ananya", "Zoe" comes out "Oowee" (long O). It is really fun. She tried to say "Trapezoid" and LAUGHS so hard when I say it (Tupperware Shape sorter). TOO CUTE! It is so funny what makes her laugh and what she is interested in on a given day.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
1st Dental Visit!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Madison is on the Potty Train!
I have been putting Madison on the potty for a while now, just for fun, while waiting for a bath to fill, or while mommy went potty or just to read a short book now and then. There have been a few times when she would be playing and take off crawling to the bathroom and stop and look at me and then sign "potty". I would say "You want to sit on your potty" and she would nod "yes" and we would sit on the potty and read. Very cute.
A week ago, I got a little more serious about it which simply entailed, doing it regularly twice a day without the diaper and while reading our Baby Signs Potty Train book. (I haven't introduced the train whistle as part of our routine as she hates it). I took a potty over to Mom's so they could practice too and took the Train book so that would be familiar. It has the signs to practice: Potty, More, All Done, Wash, Good Job (her good job is so HILARIOUS).
I am so excited to say that Saturday Madison not only sat there contently "reading" her new Elmo Potty book with sound buttons and laughing but she then looked up at me, signed "potty" and I looked in and she was GOING POTTY! (#1). We celebrated and hollared for Daddy and we all did a dance. This happened twice that day. We were so excited. I have to admit that doing this in the cold months isn't going to be easy! Layers aren't the best for getting undressed in a hurry and since she isn't walking dresses are out of the question right now!
Now I am not naive enought to think that she is on her way to being potty trained, but I am just so excited that she got the signs down, sat there long enough to be successful (less than three minutes) and wasn't afraid of the toilet flushing or upset in any way and has even suggested to use the potty on her own a few times. Very cool!
Speaking of signing, we went to Sign Playgroup on Friday morning, as I had the day off and it happened to be the first Friday of the month when they meet. I was so excited to go to the park and secretly hoped Madison would perform all her 130+ signs (well not ALL of them but come on SOME would be nice so I wouldn't feel like people thought I was making this stuff up! It is hard for even me to believe sometimes!) Beth introduced Madison as her "signing superstar" and I just beamed. In true form, Madison signed ONE word...SWING...and that's it! I was bummed. We had a great time anyway and Beth reassured me that happens and she didn't doubt me for a minute! :-) She said for her to stop signing for a bit when she learned to walk, it just happens developmentally.
It made me think of when I was a little girl. My Uncle tells stories about when I was really little and I would get around people other than Mom and I would hide between her legs or sit quietly on the couch and not say ONE WORD the whole time we would visiting. Now Madison really isn't shy but that day I thought, signing is her way of 'talking' and she just didn't feel like 'saying' anything and that is okay!
One of the cute things she does is when we are shopping and people see her and say nice things to her, she signs "Thank You" and everyone always thinks she is blowing them kisses and they just think it is the cutest thing! :-) Sometimes I tell them what she is saying and sometimes I just let them enjoy the baby air kisses.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Having Fun, Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Madison's 1 year Dr. Visit
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Happy 10th Birthday Zoe! Those who say money can't buy happiness, never had a puppy.
Okay, I know what you might be thinking...Happy Birthday to her DOG? Where are the Madison 1 year birthday photos?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
My Wyoming Cowgirl

Thursday, October 16, 2008
We all survived Wyoming
I had every intention of blogging every day of my “vacation” to Wyoming and at the end of each day I was so out of steam that I didn’t get online but only once. I kept thinking, “make a mental note and blog that funny thing”. I will do my best to recap briefly.
· Get a babysitter for the ‘getting ready day’!
· Pack light and use the “I can buy it when I get there” motto (unless you are going to Wyoming I later learned)
OkOkay, here is my version of PACKING LIGHT....Pack Mule...I have one suitcase, two carry ons, stroller, and back pack, not to mention Madison carried in the front. Here she was looking at the sky lights in the Denver Airport. Rick not only had the camera, but he had two additional suitcases. Mind you, we were only gone 6 DAYS! I definitely learned my lesson, although I still didn't have everything I wanted.
· Board the plane, buckle up and poop. You read it right, I learned they have baby changing stations in the airplane bathrooms, a shelf that comes down over the toilet. Oh Joy.
· Learned the hard way that a 12 hour travel day was 1 hour too long for Madison.
· Rental car yes, Rental car seat definitely NO
· I need to teach Madison to do the Fist Bump like Howie Mandell, ‘give me kisses’ is not the same with snot nosed cousins.
· I learned I was a high maintenance California Mom
· Buy it when you get there might work if you were going somewhere other than where we went! Things we missed the most were: YoBaby Yogurt, Earth’s Best Baby Food, Pampers, No Salt Added Veggies, disposable bibs, sippy cups with straws (I brought one but forgot the darned straw!)
· Never say Never: Pacifier on demand, eat in front of the tv, sleep in bed with Mom and Dad, Juice from a bottle, shopping cart without the cover, stay up as late as I want
· If you have food restrictions for allergy reasons, expect someone to challenge your efforts. (Specifically, chocolate, strawberries, eggs, citrus and all nuts). I am also trying to limit her exposure to sugar because both of her parents are recovering sugar addicts so why start something? Needless to say she ended up having strawberry yogurt, strawberry ice cream, chocolate cake, Chinese food fried rice with egg, and she found several peanuts on the floor which she handed over instead of eating. I was asked “Can she have candy?” I said “nope” and then had to argue why she couldn’t have hard candy? Are you kidding me, has no one heard of a choking hazzard? She lived and so did I, barely.
· Return home was easier, sucking juice from a bottle while not Mom’s favorite idea, was worth it in the long run. They say sucking on the airplane helps babies not experience pain in their ears when taking off and landing. She had no trouble and only cried one time when she heard another baby crying. It was so cute actually, he was screaming and she stopped sucking and looked all concerned and then sat up, cried a little and signed “baby”. I said/signed, Baby is sad but with his Mommy and okay. She stood up in my lap and looked around the cabin looking for the baby. It was so adorable seeing her express empathy.
· Madison slipped right back into her routine when we got home which was one of my main concerns, but all is well.
All in all it was a learning experience and Madison had a great time and her relatives fell in love with her and were amazed at her ability to communicate with them with her signs. I was very proud.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Teeth Grinding, Vegetable Mum Mums and The Doctors
Sunday, September 21, 2008
75 words!

Wow, I can't believe that it has been so long since I have posted something. I am on here everyday checking for updates of my friends and I get so excited when there are new stories and I haven't been doing MY part!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Baby Signing Aug 31
Friday, August 22, 2008
Madison crawled!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Signing and other fun stuff
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Fun Madison Shots
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Non Baby people
My dog groomer said the cutest thing to us yesterday. Keep in mind that none of the women in the place have children and have no plans to have children. I brought Madison in to pick up my girls and they all were saying how cute she was and all.