These videos were taken during Madison's Infant Swim Resource (ISR) testing that was done after 7 weeks of 10 minute lessons, 5 days a week this Summer. (Better late than never). I have blogged about it and posted photos but really wanted to post the three days of testing videos to show how far she had come and I just think it is cool to watch. She is more 'water safe' at 19 months than I was when I was 6 years old. While some might see this method of 'swim lessons' as extreme or over the top, I was confident in my choice of instructor and method. And while difficult to watch at times, it was an extraordinary experience for all of us.
Since ISR is based on teaching 'drowning prevention skills' rather than typical 'swimming lessons' there are three days of testing after the lessons are completed, one with Summer clothes, one with Winter clothes and lastly back to swim suit for 'reset'.
The idea is to think about what they would likely be wearing if they wandered near the pool and fell in, anytime of year. The sensation of being wet fully clothed is so much different than when wearing a swim suit and the children need to be exposed to that sensation so they can learn adjust their 'float' accordingly. If they usually carry a lovey or have a pacifier all of the time, it is recommended they test with those items as well.
Each video is the length of a typical lesson (about 10 min) so if you only have time for one, I recommend the Winter one (#2) and the end especially when she is jumping in from the edge and comes up to a float.
Summer Clothes: TShirt/Shorts/Crocs/PullUp. A rather unfortunate reality of falling into the water with clothes on is that you are likely to have something covering your face at some point. At one point during testing, Rebekah removes Madison's shirt and places it over her face to be sure she has the skill to pull it off her face.
Winter Clothes: Undershirt/Long Sleeve Shirt/Jeans/PullUp/Socks/Tennies/Fleece Lined Jacket (Hey we live in California! What are the chances she'll accidentally fall in the pool with a down snow suit on?)
Last day of testing, swimming reset back to swim suit. I got in the pool on the last day so Rebekah could show me how to work with her when we went swimming.
(Click here if you would like to learn more about the lessons and research behind ISR. Click here for more local Modesto information.)